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Do You Believe In Mediums? How I Got Into Mediumship.


me·​di·​um·​ship | \ ˈmē-dē-əm-ˌship  \

Definition of mediumship

the capacity, function, or profession of a spiritualistic medium

: the practice of purportedly mediating communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings

Do you guys believe in Mediums? I do, and now I’m actually taking courses on how to become one! I know, sounds crazy right?! I decided to write this blog post to record my journey. But, before I talk about my very first Mediumship Course back in September with Cindy Kaza, I’ve gotta tell you how I became interested in it and how this all started…


My dad passed away on July 11, 2016. He had been in and out of the hospital since May 2016 due to his kidneys. That May, he had to do chemotherapy. Well, what I didn’t mention was that my dad had been sick for the 15 years prior to that with scleroderma and lung disease. He had been pretty much stable all that time, but doing chemo for his kidneys brought his immune system way down and on June 22, 2016, he went back to the hospital because his lungs were flaring and he was having a hard time breathing.

The reason why I remember that day so clearly is because the night he went into the hospital, I had a dream that my dad died. To be honest, I don’t even remember how he died in my dream. I just knew it happened. I remember waking up thinking “that’s weird”. Then, I checked my phone and I had received a text from my mom saying he was admitted to the hospital that night. I started to think…coincidence or premonition?

I came to visit him in the hospital and you can clearly tell he was having the hardest time breathing and his lungs were declining fast. He couldn’t even sit up in bed and talk without being out of breath. On June 24, 2020, the doctors couldn’t figure it out and told him he had to do a lung biopsy ASAP. I had never seen my dad so scared in my life. He didn’t wanna do it because he was afraid he wouldn’t wake up. It’s like he just knew something bad was going to happen.

I believe my dad had an intuition all of his life. It was funny because I thought he always had this tough exterior but if he was gonna be home alone at night, he would call me and ask me to drop the kids off or ask if he could come over my house until my mom came back home. There was something about being home alone at night that he hated. He never told me why, but looking back, I do think my dad had some kind of psychic ability. He was just afraid of it. My dad was a very religious man and he often schooled me on “ghosts” or “spirits” and how you never really know if they’re good or bad. His point was – how do you know it’s not the devil playing tricks on you? My thought is that he just never learned how to control his intuition and was afraid of it all his life, so that fear just grew and grew.

Anyway, back to my story, long story short (as if this wasn’t long already), we convinced my dad to do the lung biopsy. He really had no choice. Without the lung biopsy to tell the doctors what was wrong, his oxygen was decreasing so fast that he would die anyway, so this was his only chance. Unfortunately, immediately after the biopsy, he had to be induced into a coma due to complications. He was in the hospital on life support for 2.5 weeks until he finally went heaven.

That entire time, I kept thinking why did I have that dream? Was it a premonition? Was God trying to prepare me? Should I be thankful for that dream or should I be pissed off? I thought about it all the time. Why me? Why did I have to have that dream? There are 6 of us (my brothers and sisters), why not one of them?

As we were arranging his funeral and everything after his death, I cried but I always had this feeling like I should have cried more. Even now, I feel “okay” with him being gone. I even felt this way right after his death. I never really grieved for my dad too long and it’s not because I wasn’t sad – I think it was because I know I’ll see him again. I feel like that dream prepared me and taught me that things happen when they are supposed to. There is nothing anyone could have done – not the doctors, not us, not my dad. God had already decided it was time for him to go and that was that. Having that dream was a reminder that there is another side and we shouldn’t be afraid of it.

Don’t get me wrong. I still miss my dad and I so wish he was here. You don’t realize how much of an impact someone has on you until they leave this world. When my uncle died back in 2008, I remember a conversation I had with my dad. He told me he didn’t understand why people cried at funerals if they truly believed in God and Heaven. He told me that when you die, it’s just like walking into another room. He said “Would you cry if I walked into my bedroom and closed the door? No. Because you knew I was there and you’d see me eventually.” I think that conversation helped me be ok with my dads death. I never thought twice about it. I know there is an afterlife and I will one day see my dad again.


So there’s the long ass back story LOL but how did I get into mediumship? RJ and I love to watch comedy shows. For my birthday in 2018, he started searching for comedy show events around my birthday. What pops up? A medium show with Cindy Kaza. Talk about divine intervention because I wasn’t even thinking about mediums at the time, but this was the ultimate start to my journey.

We decided to book tickets for the show since it was just in Brentwood and we watched her for the first time on September 22, 2018. We invited my family so we watched the show with my brothers and sisters. It was the first ever medium show I’ve been to and it was so interesting! None of us were called on so we were bummed, but the spirits that came through for others were amazing.

As a skeptic, I had to assume that the people she called on were “in on the show”, or maybe she had facebook’d them beforehand because we all know everyones life story is on facebook nowadays…but then after seeing their reactions and all the tears, this HAD to be real. Cindy would say things that no one was supposed to know. The tears from the children is what got me…you can’t train a child to fake cry real tears like that. It’s like my brain was trying to find ways to convince myself this entire show was just that – A SHOW…but my heart kept telling myself that there had to be some truth to this and that this medium just truly wanted to get a message across from the other side.

Leaving the show, I had to watch her again. I think part of me was really hoping my dad would come thru with a message, not only so I could talk to him, but also so I could confirm she was the real deal. I felt like if I could confirm that, then I knew my dream about him dying was a sign from God. Although I already had faith I would see him again, it would confirm that faith and prove to me that there really was another side.

Cindy had another show in Pleasanton the following month and we saw her again on October 20, 2018 – this time with my mom and mother-in-law. The show was amazing, but again we didn’t get called on and I was bummed about that. For the next year, I would keep track on when she would be in town and try to make it a point to see her because I really wanted a message from my dad. We went and saw her a few other times, but still no message. I tried to book a private reading with her, but apparently she had a long waiting list. I remember RJ even telling me that he didn’t want me to get too sucked into this. I could tell he thought I was setting myself up to get disappointed because he didn’t know if all this medium stuff was real either.


Fast forward to one year later in October 2019, my coworker spoke about seeing a medium because she had a few deaths in her family the last couple of years. This medium’s name was Mindy (I know, the 2 medium names are so similar but try to keep up with the differences as I bounce back and forth LOL). She told me her story and how Mindy just couldn’t possibly know about certain things, I had to give it a try. I got her contact information and booked a private reading.

My private reading with Mindy, and first time ever seeing a medium, was on October 11, 2019. I didn’t know what to expect. I was so skeptical that I even wasted the first 20 minutes of my reading on Mindy guessing who I wanted to talk to because there were other family members aside from my dad trying to speak to me, including my dad’s mom (my grandmother), Mama Fely. As soon as I opened up and just told her that I wanted to speak to my dad, he came through and a whole bunch of messages just started spilling out of her mouth. I was shocked. I won’t go too much into my reading, but she knew how many siblings I had, some of the things that were currently going on with us, and even things about my dad. This was the first time I ever met this lady, so I knew this had to be real. This was the exact confirmation that I needed.

Seeing a medium after a loved one dies is almost like seeing a therapist and now I understood why they exist. Now that I truly believed in them, I started to think about all the things I had experienced…from dreams/premonitions, to seeing someone/something in the corner of my eye, to feeling other peoples emotions…but how do you control it?


I found out about another medium named Felix Lee Lerma in San Francisco and decided to make an appointment with him also. I saw him on April 24, 2020. The first person that entered my reading was again my grandmother, Mama Fely. I had to ask Felix why she was always the first one to show up in my readings? It’s not that I didn’t want to talk to her. It’s just that she died before I was even born. I don’t know her at all and I don’t even feel like I have a connection with her. He told me it was because she knows I have a gift and that she wanted me to pursue this gift to help others. That’s when I knew this was really what I wanted to do.

And so the hunt was on to figure this out! It wasn’t like I could just go to college and learn this stuff. I had to do a lot of research, but I finally found where to start. I took my first Mediumship 101 Course with Cindy Kaza on September 20, 2020 which I will write about in an upcoming blog post. I hope to document my entire mediumship journey on here so stay tuned! If you made it this far, then thank you for reading! Can’t wait to share my journey with you all.

The Y Tribe




  • Amy

    Thank you for sharing about this. Good luck

  • Maureen

    Oh wow, what a journey so far! I am so proud of you for pursuing something that feels deep and right in your heart. For that kudos. I have actually not heard about mediumship before but definitely looking forward to your next update.

    Maureen |

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